The Six Sages of Revolution

As I recognize, there are phases in which the understanding of a human being grows. I proposed this recently (it is inspired from Five Stages of grieve Kübler-Ross model ), and I think it is useful to share here. I call this  The Six Sages of Revolution.

The stages below applies to anybody who is somehow able to recognize that the society needs a spark of new idea.

The order of the stages are important, but from stage 1. to 4. they are interchangeable

1. Realization
2. Surprise
3. Learning
4. Rejection
5. Frustration
6. Refutation

In the realization phase, we come to know about the other side of the story. This is very important, because majority of the people really are not never ever come across this feeling. As a theist, I was unaware that a life without God does exist. This was something like a enlightenment for me on the first place.

Once we know about the different aspects, we become surprised as to how the world really functions. We feel, isn't the world running WRONG? From religion point of view, I was surprised as to the level of fool minded practices and impractical beliefs people keep about THEIR god.

Then comes the Learning phase. Our curiosity takes over the driver seat. We start to learn more about the topic of our interest. I started reading Sagan, Dawkins, Hitchens, Daniel, Tyson. This phase is wonderful, in the sense, it is more revealing than all the above phases. This phase makes you realize, you are not alone, and your idea is already in the atmosphere since long.

The rejection phase is pretty easy come, easy go. We start discarding the old practices and start to adopt new ideology. With atheism, we learn and grow to a new level of understanding. I somehow started feeling uncomfortable in even the silliest practices of my religiosity.

Frustration is obvious when you are surrounded by people who have different ideology and focus center then what you do. There are clashes of thoughts, annoying feelings, urge to argue, fight, debate and whatnot. We don't feel like the world is running OK on its own, and it requires interference.

Refutation is ultimate and undeniable. It is the ultimate end of the nonconformist patients. Regards to atheism, this is the phase your question is concerned about. We have altogether been to the above stages of thought process, and we, in our heart and head know, if we don't speak, the other side is going to crush the medieval beliefs into the age of technologies. I think it is better to start enforcing and reaching out to masses and conveying the truth. We know for sure, this phase ultimately is going to inspire somebody to think about our words.

There are two ways of bringing changes, one is you wait for it, the other is you make it yourself.

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