Reading on Godel, Escher, Bach

I am very excited about this book. I had this book in my mind from past year or so, but I never made a attempt to buy and read one.

The reason was quite idiotic. I was into Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Matt Ridley, Daniel Dennett, Krauss, etc. The books these guys write are quite interesting in the sense of day to day fact. I just wanted to complete this phase of my reading.

From last two months, I was stuck with Noam Chomsky. I admire his intellectual certainty, but had never  read any of his stuff. I bought two of his books. On Language and The Architecture of Language. Unfortunately, I have not completed either. :(

Last week, I got Godel, Escher, Bach : an Eternal Golden Braid from one my friend. This is one book I would complete well before time.

There are MIT lectures on the same book, which I find to be very interesting. During the summer of 2007, Gödel, Escher, Bach was recorded especially for OpenCourseWare.

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