Sunday, September 29, 2013

When animals make you feel human

It was November 2012.

I had my dog with me for 4 months. Not once did she climbed on my bed at night. Not once in 130 days. She was trained that way.

This particular night I was sick. I had bad fewer and terrible cold. I already took off the day before from my office. I was shivering from cold. Somehow I managed to sleep at 2.00 am. Suddenly I felt something warm. I realized the bed was occupied and I have little place to move. I looked out in the dark. I already knew what it was.

My dog came and slept by me. She felt the temperature and maybe that is the reason she wanted to give me care. I was taken back. I used to stay alone with my dog. 
She did what other human would have done.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Six Stages of Revolution

Why are today's atheist (they have a term New Atheist) so keen and interested in assaulting religious ideology?

Here’s how the well-known conservative author and political commentator Dinesh D’Souza describes the new atheists in his 2007 book,  What’s So Great about Christianity?

The atheists no longer want to be tolerated. They want to monopolize the public square and to expel Christians from it. They want political questions like abortion to be divorced from religious and moral claims. They want to control school curricula so they can promote a secular ideology and undermine Christianity. They want to discredit the factual claims of religion, and they want to convince the rest of society that Christianity is not only mistaken but evil. They blame religion for the crimes of history and for the ongoing conflicts in the world today. In short, they want to make religion—and especially the Christian religion—disappear from the face of the earth.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Believer Issue

I was in a discussion with one of my friend regarding the recent act of Asharam Bapu. 
She was frustrated, as every women would be. And she yelled, "Why do people believe in such stupid thing and people? Why don't they think for their own? Why don't they use their brain?" 

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