Sunday, September 29, 2013

When animals make you feel human

It was November 2012.

I had my dog with me for 4 months. Not once did she climbed on my bed at night. Not once in 130 days. She was trained that way.

This particular night I was sick. I had bad fewer and terrible cold. I already took off the day before from my office. I was shivering from cold. Somehow I managed to sleep at 2.00 am. Suddenly I felt something warm. I realized the bed was occupied and I have little place to move. I looked out in the dark. I already knew what it was.

My dog came and slept by me. She felt the temperature and maybe that is the reason she wanted to give me care. I was taken back. I used to stay alone with my dog. 
She did what other human would have done.

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