Saturday, October 19, 2013

What if evolution had the capacity to pass on *experience* of an individual to its offspring?

It is 9 am in the morning. My nephew is sleeping by my side. With his suckling bottle handy, he is crawling from one end of the bed, to another.

Suddenly, he reaches at the edge. I rush! Ghosh! I pull him the other side. My heartbeats swings up. He starts crying. I am reassured. He is annoyed (I just harshly pulled the baby hands).

Then I thought. Why don't I fall of the edge? There is a simple answer. I have an experience/knowledge that falling from the edge is a bad idea. I may get hurt, I may bleed or break a bone.
Why my nephew is not so vigilant and smart? Simply because he is not having enough knowledge and experience.

The question arises. What if evolution had the tendency to pass experience down the line? What if my nephew knew all that I knew. WoW! Wonderful, isn't it. But would it be a evolutionary advantage?

A lot.

In fact if you look on a wider scale, human beings have the capacity to pass on experience to their offspring. Although that in not much through genes, but through culture and our capability to preserve memories and solidify it using our amazing capability of language.

The below image is taken from the TED lecture of David Christian. He shows that every generation of rat is fresh and new. No teaching and experience is passed on. Whereas humans have greater tendency to avoid mistakes their past generations has done and learn from the experience. We grow exponentially, they grow linearly.

It is the result of our highly complex brain.

If you wanna youtube the video, here is the link. The part we are interested starts at 12.40 min.

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