Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Why did nature/evolution create man? And will women be better off in a world with no men?

This question was asked on QuoraHere is the details for the question:

Let's consider a hypothetical world.
Let's say there are no men and women are able to reproduce by collecting sperms   
which are easily and abundantly available in nature when they wish. These sperms have same characteristics as they would in a real man.
In this case, existence of men really doesn't matter, does it?
Infact, it would have been much simpler if there were no men at all

Here is my answer:

Evolution has no direct intention of creating male and female. The primary trick of evolution is to pass genes. The reason why sexes are created (read The Red Queen: Matt Ridley) is because it ensure the mixes and grinding of genes occur. Evolutionary, it is cheap to produce offspring without reproduction, but it is bad strategy. This is because, the good will become great, the bad will become worst. Also since the genes are not mixing, and the son is same as father and grandfather, the predator will eventually learn by-heart how to prey.  

Passing of genes. It doesn't matter the way it done. Having two sexes is just a part of a play. There are species having more than two sexes (please note, but only two of them contribute to genetic material to next generation). 

Firstly, I won't point flaws in your hypothetical situation (later you will know that this is in fact a real one). I consider that there may exist such system. 

If the motive of evolution can be taken care of without males, as your hypothetical situation says, well than I see no use male as far as reproduction is considered. Will male exist after that? Maybe. You see worker bees. They all are sterile. They can't really reproduce, yet they exist. For their evolutionary benefit is to help the queen's egg hatch. Dozen of other species do exist which has more than 3-4 sexes. Here is what Matt Ridley says:

In 1991 Laurence Hurst of Oxford found a species of slime-mold with thirteen genders. But only two have to have sex to have offspring. Gender 13 is always contributes organnelles as well as other genetic information. Gender 12 contributes organelles unless the other partner is gender 13. Gender 11 contributes organelles unless the other partner is of genders 12 or 13 and so on down the line to gender 1. How the gender of the offspring is determined I have no idea.

Also there is something called Parthenogenesis, a form of reproduction in which the ovum develops into a new individual without fertilization from the male. So your hypothetical situation in fact is not at all hypothetical.

Will women be better off without men? Obviously, 180,000 years, and we treat them inferior. Without us, they would have their rights

On a side note, Rihanna says it better.

For other answers by other smart people (:) click here

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